Yes! Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that definitely improves your skin tone and skin color. This procedure improves your skin by lightening scars, removing wrinkles and fine lines, and improving your skin volume. So far, the SkinPen Microneedling Device is the only FDA-approved device for microneedling.
The process of microneedling started way back in 1995. But it is still widely recommended by dermatologists and other practitioners for skin improvement up to this day.
This procedure is popular for people who want to see more rejuvenated skin after only a few sessions. It is also ideal if you have scars, pigmentations, and fine lines that you want to fix. So, if these are some of your problems, read on to know more about microneedling!
SkinPen microneedling is an FDA-approved procedure designed to amp up your body’s wound-healing processes. It stimulates the production of elastin and collagen to the area where microneedling is done.
Specifically, it is used to:
- Reduce fine lines
- Eliminate trauma and acne scars, and;
- Lighten darker pigments of your skin
Since it has already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is guaranteed to be safe and comfortable, with a bit of downtime and minimal side effects.
Although it is the only FDA-approved device for microneedling, there are other devices for the process as well, such as the derma rollers that you can use at home.
However, it is still best to do this procedure at a medical spa or a clinic. These spas or clinics use sterilized devices and feed your skin with serums that aid in the rejuvenating process. Moreover, the doctor or practitioner that will administer the procedure is also well-versed with the process, thus, making the procedure safer for you and your skin.
Microneedling makes use of “microneedles” (0.5mm to 1.0 mm length) to create microscopic wounds that will activate the production of elastin and collagen in your skin. These body proteins are responsible for healing your skin, thus, making it clear, firm, and wrinkle-free.
Some of the benefits of microneedling includes:
- Elimination of acne scars and trauma scars
- Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
- Uneven skin tone repair
- Improvement of lost skin volume due to less skin collagen
The SkinPen microneedling device uses sterile and disposable cartridges that have 12 microneedles each. The cosmetic technician is the one responsible for setting how deep the needles will penetrate your skin.
In microneedling, the deeper the penetration of the needle, the more it is felt.
Microneedling has numerous skin benefits. As mentioned earlier, it treats multiple skin problems in only a few sessions. But to be more specific, here is how microneedling improves your skin:
- It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
As you go into your mid-20s, your body produces about one percent less collagen per year. This reduced amount of collagen produced in the body is responsible for faster aging. Thus, making you look older by the years.
Also called Collagen Induction Therapy, microneedling promotes the production of the protein collagen to make the skin firmer and more resilient to damages. At the same time, it prompts more elastin to be produced, thus, increasing skin elasticity that smooths out wrinkles and fine lines.
In fact, some clients already reported results even after doing only one session. But to fully see the effects, three sessions may be recommended.
- It helps in treating scars and pigmentation
Scars and pigmentation are very common, especially with acne-prone skin, post-surgery, or with people who have too much exposure to the sun. These may have a negative effect on one’s self-confidence and self-esteem. But, if you are one of these people out there, do not worry, as microneedling may just solve your problems.
Because microneedling stimulates your skin’s healing and repair process, it also improves the look and texture of your skin. The needles break into the pigmented or scarred area, then improves cell turnover for a more even skin tone.
- It assists in delivering Collagen Induction Therapy
The practitioner assigned to administer the microneedling procedure may treat your skin with Collagen Induction Therapy. This procedure allows the practitioners to draw a small amount of blood from you and then separate the plasma. After that, the Collagen Induction Therapy is applied to the area of concern.
The Collagen Induction Therapy helps in stimulating the production of collagen further. Thus, this makes the healing process faster and the results more visible.
- It helps in absorbing products more effectively
Aside from amping up the production of elastin and collagen to correct your skin problems, the microscopic wounds that the microneedles create allow deep penetration of serums, creams, and topical gels. The deep penetration helps the skin to absorb these products more effectively.
Although deeper penetration is more painful, it still allows more product to seep into the skin.
The average microneedling procedure lasts for about 30 minutes. The practitioner may first apply a numbing cream to the area. Then, they will use the SkinPen to the treatment area.
After the session, you may experience mild redness for one to two days.
Although the number of sessions depends on your practitioner, it is usually recommended to have three sessions spaced a month apart from each other. However, if you have severe skin discoloration, you may need to have six to eight sessions.
SkinPen microneedling is perfect for people who want to have immediate results without having to recover for an extended period. This procedure is applicable for treating wrinkles, fine lines, skin discoloration, and dull skin. Also, if you have acne scars, microneedling is an ideal procedure to do.
Compared with other cosmetic procedures, microneedling is somewhat more pricey. Suvita Medical Aesthetics offers this procedure for $399 (one treatment). But if you want to save some bucks, you may opt for a package of 3 treatments, costing only $999.
However, as a medical spa that does microneedling services, clients come back happy and satisfied. So, we can say that microneedling is definitely worth its price.
SkinPen microneedling indeed helps in improving your skin tone while also improving your skin’s texture and elasticity. So, why not consult a medical spa near you and inquire about their services? Maybe, you’ll score a microneedling session package for a lower price!